Friday, December 24, 2010

The gift of laughter

Colin laughed for the first time today — a real, out loud, body-shaking laugh. And he did it several times while John was playing with him on the changing table. It was a beautiful sound. 

Veronica had her first laugh on Saturday last week. She too has a whole-body beautiful laugh, and enjoys using it too. 

I can’t think of a nicer way to celebrate Christmas than by listening to our little babies, who have been through so much already in their little lives, both laughing out loud. (We got to listen to Ethan rolling on the floor with laughter this evening too.) It’s the happiest sound in the world. 

Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy the little miracles this season, just like we are.


  1. Laughter is a gift to all of us. When we learn to laugh in the midst of trouble, much of the stress disappears. But the laughter of children is the best gift of all. We are SO GRATEFUL for this gift you have been given and that you share it with the rest of us.

  2. My kids and I are laughing with yours... Merry Christmas, Becki!
