Monday, September 19, 2011

The amazing Mr. (and Ms.) Fiegel

Despite my occasional worries, Colin continues to amaze me with his leaps forward and his determination to get what he wants. He is one determined little dude! And right now, every fiber of his being is focused on figuring out this walking thing. 

On Saturday, I was playing with the babies in the living room while John and Ethan were at a birthday party. Veronica was showing off her newly minted walking skills (more on that in a minute), and Colin was working on his cruising. He just started really cruising around the room on the furniture about a week ago, and now he uses that skill a lot. 

While I was watching and thinking how much more confident Colin was getting with his cruising, he suddenly let go of the coffee table and reached across the gap to the couch — successfully — and continued his cruising from there. I was very impressed.

He also is trying very hard to find his balance point while standing. When I walk with him holding my hands, he will regularly stop, lean against my legs and let go of my hands. Tonight he even started trying to push away from my legs and balance on his own. (He’s not quite there yet.)

Of course, after a block of doing the walking and trying to balance thing, he got tired of the challenge and raced Veronica by crawling (he won) back home.

And, as you may have guessed, Veronica has fully embraced the walking life. She is now walking every where, including half way to Trader Joe's yesterday, and all the way down the block today. She also is capable of getting pretty close to a run, especially if she sees a dog. 

Not content with just being an official toddler now, she also keeps upping the ante by doing things like working on turning corners, or walking while carrying ever-bigger objects. She also is very proud of her ability to climb the stairs (a trick Colin actually mastered first), which means we have to keep a gate up at both ends of the staircase. 

There is never a dull moment in our house, and it’s getting more exciting every week. 

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