Thursday, June 7, 2012

Growing, and growing up

Colin had an appointment with the allergist yesterday — out in the suburbs because you can get an appointment there about three months sooner than here in the city. We made the appointment early this spring, when it seemed like Colin was getting sick every time the tree pollen counts were high. Ethan was only about 19 months old when his allergies were diagnosed (which is really pretty young to have developed seasonal allergies), so we figured we’d better find out whether Colin was following in his footsteps.

He was a champ, and only cried a little when they were poking him for the allergy testing. Then he was off roaming the exam room for 15 minutes, leaving a wake of destruction. Probably the worst was after he discovered the garbage can and then managed to throw away two of his toys before I could stop him. (Thank goodness for a dishwasher.) So that was good … we don’t have to add a new doctor to our collection. 

He also weighed in at just a little over 22 pounds, and was 32 inches long. (Roni, for comparison, was at the doctor last week because of a mysterious rash, and was 25 pounds. And she’s still at least 2 inches taller than Colin, although we haven’t measured her recently.)

Colin is also making progress with his physical therapy. His therapist wants him to go two weeks now without wearing his orthotics so she can see how his feet do. Right now, the orthotics provide some stability, but mainly are to help keep his arch from collapsing. He already was spending a lot of time out of the orthotics, because they’re hot and a pain in the butt to put on. So as soon as we got the okay to let him do some walking without them, we jumped at the opportunity. 

At a minimum, Colin will be switching from the over the ankle orthotics he has now to an insert that is more like what adults get when they get orthotics. However, if his arches don’t show any signs of distress, maybe we’ll get lucky and be able to drop those as well.

And while Veronica really has started to surge ahead in her speech and mental development, Colin seems to be moving forward at a slower pace. Of course, his pace may be normal, but it’s hard not to compare them some times.

Veronica is working diligently on learning her colors, and is fascinated by the concept of “two.” She points out whenever we see two of anything. “Two doggies.” “Two noisy cars.” She also is starting to pick up on social graces, asking me how I’m doing when she comes downstairs, and is asking a lot of questions. “Mommy shoes on. Mommy going outside too?” 

Yesterday, I said I was going to quickly run downstairs to get something to eat, because I had missed lunch. John must not have heard me, because as I was leaving, he told Veronica, “I guess Mommy’s going downstairs for something.” She then told him, “Mommy go eat. Lunch.”

Of course, after having said Colin is making slower progress, I must admit that he is making cognitive leaps of his own. We dug Rainbow Fish out of the gigantic “books Colin can’t touch because he’ll tear them apart” pile (because he’s been doing better recently) earlier this week, and he’s been reading it quite often ever since. At nap time the other day, John asked him to find a safe place for his book so he could get ready for nap. He opened it up, looked at the picture inside and said, “Fish.” He then carried it over to the fish tank and placed it against the glass, picture facing inward, so the fish could see their friends in the story. 

Colin might seem like he was making faster progress if he would ever take his hands out of his mouth. He is hard to understand to begin with, but it’s nearly impossible to make out what he’s saying when he’s talking around a mouthful of fingers.

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