Saturday, August 25, 2012

Big brother is back!!

Ethan got home yesterday afternoon from a week-and-a-day visit with Grandma and Grandpa. When he first left, the twins would ask about him multiple times a day. They would hear a door close: “Ethan?” “No, Ethan is at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.” We would talk about going to the park. “With Ethan?” “No, Ethan is at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.” 

But by the end of the week, they were only asking about him a couple of times a day. (Veronica wanted to know at breakfast each morning whether Ethan had his shoes on yet.) So I was wondering how they would react when he got back. I know they had been enjoying the more “undivided” attention, but they also generally enjoy having their b-bro around. 

Unfortunately, I was at work when the homecoming happened, but I tried calling around the time I thought Ethan would be getting back to see how the trip (and re-entry) had gone. No one answered when I called, so I just left a message. 

John called me back an hour or two later, and said that he hadn’t even heard the phone ring over the noise of the reunion. Apparently when Veronica and Colin saw Ethan, they both dropped what they were doing, started squealing with happiness, and the three kids dissolved into a pile of full-body, squirming, squealing hugs on the floor. 

Even thinking about it makes my heart warm. I’m so glad they all love each other so much. 

1 comment:

  1. At church last Sunday someone asked Ethan if he missed his brother and sister. "NO!", he answered, "I needed a break from the twins."

    On the way home on Friday he said, "I can hardly wait to see Roni and Colin. I MISS them."

    I am SO GLAD I got to witness the joyous reunion between these three siblings. Oh, I know it won't always be this way, but the jumping, squealing, hugging and kissing was worth A WHOLE LOT OF JOY!
