Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Play date

Colin and Veronica had their first play date today, with Jasper. And it was a drop-off play date to boot. Jasper’s oldest sister has been in Ethan’s class the past two years, and so John and their mom decided it would be nice to start having weekly play dates so the kids could get used to being around other kids, and without Mom or Dad there. 

Coordinating the timing was a bit tricky, because Jasper sleeps until after 8:00, and takes a while to get going in the morning, but Colin and Veronica are ready for nap by 10:00. As they’re waking up from nap, Jasper is going down for his nap. So we settled on 9:00 today, and Carrie volunteered to host. 

Colin was a little put off by the idea of being dropped off (No, Daddy, no. No. No. No.) But they both were pretty quickly engaged by Jasper’s toys (oooh, shiny things), and all was well. 

When I got home from work, Veronica proceeded to tell me all about it. “Play at Jasper’s house. Jasper’s house pretty. Have two bath rooms. Our house pretty too. Jasper have two tables. Jasper have trucks. With wheels. Jasper has eyes. Two eyes. Colin cried [he fell down at one point and cried a bit]. Played with toys.”

She said a whole lot more, but she was talking so fast that I could only catch a fraction of the commentary. But I am relieved to know that Jasper still has eyes (I haven’t seen him for several weeks), and that our house is pretty too. 

Next week is at our house. We’ll see how it goes. 

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