Monday, January 14, 2013

Potty training?

Last night at bed time: 

“Veronica, your diaper is still dry. Good job. Do you want to go on the potty like a big girl?”


“But Veronica, if you want to start wearing big kid underwear, you need to go potty on the toilet, not just keep your diaper dry.”

“No! I want a disposable diaper on. I don’t want the potty.”

Sigh. “Okay. I guess we’re not quite ready for potty training yet.”

Veronica, wailing, “But I want to go to potty training! I want to go to potty training!”

Colin, in a little voice from the other side of the room. “I go potty in the toilet. I go to potty training.”

So clearly we have a bit of misunderstanding about the concept of potty training. “Veronica, potty training isn’t a destination. It’s a process. And it means that you have to go on the toilet … all the time.” (Yes, I actually talk to them about destinations and processes. Maybe that’s part of the problem.)

I’m pretty sure Colin is ready, and if we had the energy to focus on switching him out of diapers he would be successful. Veronica, on the other hand, isn’t quite there. And the thought of trying to potty train one at a time seems harder than just waiting. So for now, we’ll still be washing diapers and waiting. Sigh. 

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes a little sibling competition can be a good motivator. If Roni saw Colin "going to potty training AND getting the big boy undies" before her that may motivate her to get ready too.

    And then again, might not :)
