Monday, March 18, 2013

Fun times

Yesterday, overall, was a very fun day with the kids. It started out a bit rocky, with Veronica moving quickly into a grand temper tantrum that caused her to lose church privileges for the day. (Yes, we’re probably the only family that takes away going to church as a punishment. I doubt it would be effective for Colin, but it worked for Ethan when he was younger, and it’s a big punishment for Veronica — she LOVES going to church.)

But after nap and lunch, everyone was back to being in a good mood. Because the sun was shining, the kids and I decided to walk up to the library. So we loaded up the 50 pounds of library books that were either due or we were done with, bundled up and headed out with our strollers in hand. (Ethan had a scooter, being a bit too mature to want to push a stroller when he walks now.)

The three of them went out and played “chase and bump” while I got snacks and water bottles packed and the stroller loaded. It’s always a good afternoon when they will all play together. I love to listen to them laughing and squealing with happiness — it’s probably one of my favorite sounds in the world.

Colin and Veronica walked more than half a mile before they decided they were ready for snacks. They both wanted to keep walking and eating, but I made them get into the stroller if they were going to snack. Unfortunately, Ethan had to walk and eat, and ended up dropping his cup of treats and spilling it all over the sidewalk. (Fortunately, he’s also old enough that I can give him $5, and he will go into Starbucks by himself and order a scone. No more having to unload everyone. Yeah.)

Everyone did very well at the library, until it was time to check out. Veronica and Colin both wanted to stay, so we had some serious crying when it was time to pack up. And I had to tell Colin to stop doing things so often that even the security guard was calling him by name before we managed to check out — “Colin, you can’t play with that. Colin, you need to stop that.” Oh the joys of an active boy. 

On the way home, Veronica suddenly called me from the stroller. “I want to go to a restaurant today.” Since I was already stressing out about getting something on the table for dinner (it was approaching 4:30 at this point, and we were still only half way home), I decided that sounded like a good idea. All three kids agreed to behave, and so we decided to go out. 

After a quick stop to pick up John and change some diapers, we headed off to Wishbone. We haven’t actually taken the kids to a restaurant in probably at least three months, and what a difference those three months have made. They both sat in their chairs (without boosters even — so much easier!) and were very well behaved. They ate like champs, and even stayed relatively quiet while we waited for the check. 

Of course, it helped that we had the most awesome waiter ever (Veronica called him the boy with the black napkin [his apron] as in, “Where did the boy with the black napkin go?”). Colin really enjoyed himself, and kept announcing throughout his dinner, “This is great! I LIKE this!” And we made it home without me feeling like I’d just run a marathon. 

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