Friday, October 22, 2010

Welcome home Colin

Welcome home Colin! We’re so glad you’re here.

Enjoy all of the wonderful sights and sounds of your new home. (But maybe today you can spend a little more time sleeping and less time staring at everything. It will still be there tomorrow.)

Enjoy getting to know Veronica again too. 

We love you baby boy!

(More photos in the album, for those who want to see more.)


  1. OMG, Becki! Absolutely adorable, precious!!!

  2. WELCOME HOME COLIN - FROM YOUR ROMMIE IZZY [ISRAEL PORTER] =-) We are very happy for you and your family Becki! It was a very joyous ride having colin as a rommie and getting to know you and your family! We shared plenty of poopy diapers ,laughs , and cries and I enjoy every bit of it!

    Izzy's Mother

    email :
