Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Yes, today

Despite my doubts on Monday when Colin’s doctor said he would be home on Wednesday, here he is, in my arms at home. No monitors. No oxygen. Just him. Yeah.

Thank you to everyone whose hopes and prayers and hard work helped contribute to the miracle that is Colin. 

Now I just hope everybody sleeps.

I’ll post pictures tomorrow.


  1. You GOOO Colin!! You're so inspirational!

  2. YEAH! I'm so very very happy for you all! What was Ethan's reaction? What was it like when you re-introduced Veronica and Colin to each other? Can't wait to see pictures and hear more as the days and weeks go by. Thanks for keeping us all posted Becki! Love you!

  3. Congratulations!!!! I'm sure its wonderful to all be a family in the same house finally!
