Saturday, February 12, 2011

Past bottom (I hope)

Last night, when I got home from work, Colin was at what I hope was the bottom with his bronchiolitis. His breathing was so labored that his whole body was moving with every breath, and I seriously asked John whether we should think about taking him to the hospital. 

He also hasn’t been wanting to eat (and who can blame him, since I’m sure he feels pretty crappy), which has me worried about dehydration. (And about falling even farther behind on the growth, since he’s losing weight right now.)

We decided to wait and see how Colin did during the night, hoping that he would get some sleep (which he desperately needed) and start having longer relief with the nebulizer treatments. So I went to feed Veronica at 9:15, when she woke up, and told John to come get me when he needed a break, and prayed that Colin would start to improve.

And he seemed to — I only heard him crying during the night when it was time for his treatments, and then only for a short time (as opposed to the night before, when he only stopped crying for a short time after his treatments). John reported that he did sleep much more last night, and really only had a one-hour stretch that he was awake during.

John also was finally able to get him to eat a little — mostly apple juice, but also this morning 60 ml of formula again. Colin has been shying away from milk and formula, almost as if he realizes they’re making him more congested. It took several tries, but he will now take a apple juice/Pedialyte mixture, so he is at least getting liquids into his system. 

This morning Colin is still very fussy, but he tried to laugh when John was nibbling on his cheeks (one of Colin’s favorite games) and seems to be breathing a little easier. So I hope we have reached the bottom and are making our way back up toward a healthy baby.

Fortunately, so far Veronica seems to be staying healthy and has regained her sense of humor that had gone dormant with her tummy troubles of last week.

1 comment:

  1. I hope Colin is "past bottom" too!! Prayers going up and if you need us just say so... I can be there ANY time!!!
