Thursday, May 26, 2011

In surgery now [updated]

The anesthesiologist just wheeled Colin away for his surgery. It’s a long surgery — his surgeon is expecting four hours — so they need to intubate Colin for the anesthesia. And while I certainly don’t want my little guy's anesthesia to wear off before they’re done the surgery, it does make me nervous having him intubated again. After being on the ventilator for so long, I have the (irrational) fear that he’s going to have trouble getting off again.

So now I sit and wait, and wait, and wait. And hope that God is guiding the surgeon’s hands, and all will go well.


After one blood transfusion and four plus hours in the operating room, Colin’s surgeon emerged to tell me that the surgery ended up being more complicated than they anticipated (and they were anticipating a complicated surgery), but in the end all the pieces came together just right. Now, we just have to hope everything heals well.

Because he had the transfusion, and because they had to do more extensive work than anticipated, Colin is having to stay in the hospital overnight. Unfortunately, that means another night of basically no sleep for John in the surgical observation unit — three walls and a curtain does not a quiet room make.

The anesthesiologist was happy with Colin’s recovery and didn’t need to observe him any longer for breathing issues. But the surgeon told me that he will check on Colin in the morning, and may decide he needs to stay longer. (If so, I hope they’ll be able to get him a real room so he and John can rest.) I am hoping, however, to have my baby back home tomorrow. 

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