Monday, May 16, 2011

She who does not sleep

Veronica seems to be bent on giving up napping, which unfortunately has earned her the nickname (from me at least) of “she who does not sleep.” This is compounded by the fact that she’s so overtired that at night, she has a hard time staying asleep. And she is getting another tooth.

So I’ll get a good stretch from her during the early part of the night (while I’m still awake), but after 11:30 or so, she has been waking up every hour and a half or so. And nothing makes her happy. Except nursing.

Colin, meanwhile, has become “he who won’t go back to sleep” at night. We’ve managed to get him to sleep without swaddling most of the time, which is good. But, unfortunately, he is sick again, so he isn’t sleeping well at night because he is having a hard time breathing. And when he wakes up, nothing makes him happy. Except nursing.

Last night was the worst night in a long time. Veronica was up at 11:00 or so, and again at 1:00. And when I tried to lay her back in her crib after nursing her at 1:00, she started to get really worked up. So I decided to bring her into bed with me. (I think she gets cold, even though she’s wearing a heavy blanket sleeper, which is why she likes to cuddle.) 

Throughout all of this I could hear Colin crying in the other room. After I got Veronica back to sleep, I decided I would go and see if John wanted to switch babies — he could be Veronica’s warm body, and I could nurse Colin and get him settled down. 

Well, that worked for a little while, but I had just started to fall asleep when John came back in to tell me that Veronica was getting worked up in the other room and he couldn’t settle her down. So we switched back.

The upshot of the night was that I basically spent from 7:00 until 3:00 nursing babies with 20 minute naps from time to time. Then I was able to sleep from 3:30 or so until my alarm went off at 5:15, when Veronica also decided it was time to get up too. At least she was cheerful — I can’t say the same for myself. 

I am really, really hoping for a better night tonight.

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