Monday, January 23, 2012

Every other day

Colin seems to be following an every other day type of recovery pattern. After his great first night, he had that horrible day and night, followed by another great day (and okay night). He did good yesterday, for the most part, but last night was another bad one, compounded by my shooting his antibiotics down his windpipe when giving them to him  last night. (How was I supposed to know he was inhaling right as I was squirting the stuff? I thought I was aiming at his cheek too. Guess not so much.)

That set off a bout of inconsolable crying that lasted for the better part of an hour, followed by another hour of tossing, whimpering and climbing all over Mommy in an attempt to get comfortable. I don’t think he slept more than an hour at a stretch until now. 

He gets his bandages off today (but the catheter stays in for another week, so I am not expecting anything to change), and we’ll talk to the nurse about the amount of blood in his urine. It was getting better for a while, but now it’s back to being very bloody. John thinks it’s because Colin’s been more active. He’s probably right. 

Veronica has been very sweet to Colin through much of this. Yesterday afternoon, as he was starting to get fussy again, she tried to feed him snack (he wasn’t interested in eating). After he refused her third or fourth offering, she went and found his favorite teething toy (his Q) and gave it to him (he threw it at me). Then she brought him a book to look at. 

Of course, yesterday morning, she spent a half an hour fighting with him over who got to sit on my lap. When I pulled them both on my lap, she then started hitting him until I had to set them both down to separate them. So don’t go worrying that she’s not a normal toddler. She is.

So I am hoping that we’ll have a better day today, that the bandage removal will go well, and — most importantly — that tonight will not be a repeat of last night.

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