Friday, January 27, 2012

An explosion of words

The babies have discovered speech, and I think they’re liking it. 

Veronica has been ramping up her vocabulary for a while now, and is getting quite a nice collection of words, which she often remembers to use. Her pronunciation is quite good when she’s repeating things we say, although when she’s speaking on her own, it sounds much more like a beginning talker. 

Our biggest “problem” with Veronica is convincing her to use the words she has when she wants something, rather than just reverting to grunting or crying.

Veronica: Unghhh!

Me: What do you want?

Veronica: UNGHHH!

Me: Veronica, what do you want? 

Veronica: UNGHHHH!!!!!

Me: Veronica, use your words. Tell me what you want. 

Veronica: Cheese.

Me, handing her some cheese: See how much easier that was?

I mean, I’m often confused with a psychic (okay, really I’m just often confused), but it’s a whole lot easier to figure out and fulfill the wish for “cheese” than for “Unghhh.” Wouldn’t you agree? 

Until recently, Colin has been less interested in learning words. He know several useful signs (including please and thank you, more, all done and bath — all crucial in our house) and can say a few things, like bye and baby. But his focus has been on his gross motor skills and [most recently] learning to walk.

Suddenly, however, a couple of days ago, his language skills have just taken off. I have heard him using words more, and more words. Yesterday he said at least four new words (which, of course, I didn’t write down and can’t remember any more), including asking for cheese at snack. Even his physical therapist commented at his session yesterday about how much he suddenly is speaking. 

It is interesting, though, to see the difference in how Colin and Veronica pronounce things. Veronica’s vowel sounds are very drawn out and emphasized. Colin puts much more emphasis on the consonants at the beginning of his words. I’m sure that means something … but I don’t care enough to figure out what.

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious if you have noticed...

    I have often heard it said that twins will have a language of their own, one that they seem to understand between themselves. Have you noticed this with Roni & Colin?
