Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Perils of Posting Pre-Coffee

Okay, I know there are many things I shouldn’t do before I’ve had my first cup of coffee, and apparently posting to the blog is one of those. As John so kindly pointed out last night, my post yesterday saying that I thought Colin would be done crawling by Ethan’s birthday makes no sense — Ethan’s birthday was this past weekend.

What I meant to say, was I thought he would be done crawling by John’s birthday — which is at the end of May. 

It appears that I didn’t even jinx myself by publishing that post: Last night, despite being very tired, Colin walked pretty much the entire block by himself. John was washing the dishes after dinner and looked out the window in time to see Colin strolling down the sidewalk … alone. He (John) was just starting to worry when he saw me dashing after Colin. (I let him get much farther away than I normally would because I kept expecting him to stop or fall.)

Apparently, in Colin’s mind, he has the walking thing mastered. He is now starting to work on walking down the stairs like Veronica is learning, rather than continuing with his backwards crawl method. Sigh. One more thing to worry about him doing while my back is turned.

I’ll post more pictures as soon as I can find where the cord to connect the camera to my computer disappeared to. Maybe after my coffee kicks in …

1 comment:

  1. Ok, you don't NEED camera pics for this one, you just create one in my head. Very funny...I can see John's view of Colin prancing along the sidewalk, alone and carefree, and you frantically dashing after him. LOL.
    And, Colin, you GO, "Dude." Love the verbiage. Well done.
    "A Chick"
