Saturday, July 21, 2012

It's potty time!

We appear to be in the early stages of potty training, led not by us, but by … Colin. Yes, Colin. This started earlier in the week, when he was running around the house with his diaper off. (Colin LOVES to run around with his diaper off. Veronica, not such a fan.) Apparently, Colin came up to Ethan and said, “Potty. Potty.” So Ethan told John that he thought Colin wanted to use the potty.

John was skeptical (they just turned two less than a month ago, and while the medical world may stop adjusting preemies’ ages at two, in reality they shouldn’t have turned two until the end of September). But he dutifully put Colin on the toilet to see what would happen. And Colin peed.

They called me at work to let me know the exciting news, and I figured it was just a fluke. 

That night as I was getting the twins into their pjs, just for fun, I asked them if they wanted to try going potty on the toilet before they went to bed. Colin immediately started saying, “Potty, potty” again, and Veronica was saying “yes” as well. 

And again, Colin went on the toilet. Veronica, who showed a very early interest in going on the toilet last year, and who generally can’t stand being wet, didn’t have the patience to sit long enough to have success. However, they both went on the potty the next day at bed time.

Colin went on the potty three times yesterday and two times the day before, so this seems to be a fairly consistent interest — as long as his diaper is not on. He has not yet asked us to go when he’s wearing a diaper, although he clearly can tell when he needs to go without it. Because he’s really going, not just squeezing out a couple of drops.

John told Veronica we would buy her purple underwear when she’s ready to go on the potty all the time; Colin wants blue. And last night an over-tired Veronica was most upset that we were putting her in a diaper rather than her purple undies. So I had to explain the whole idea of being potty trained to her again.

I honestly don’t think they’re quite ready to go on their own yet. But I’m not going to stop them from trying if they think so. I would be oh so very happy if they followed in their big brother’s footsteps and got out of diapers early. Because the two things I'm ready to be done with are diapers (big surprise, right?) and cribs. 

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