Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fun, fun, fun

Although we still have our share of headaches with the twins at this age (they rarely sleep through the night, even now, and boy can they be stubborn), they also can be a lot of fun. Their imaginations are soaring, and they interact with each other (and us) much more. This can lead to some fun, and funny, moments.

Their kids
Both Colin and Veronica have kids — multiple kids, all of whom seem to be older than they are. Veronica started this long before Colin, always telling me what her kids were doing and going to pick them up from school (and her kids are in school A LOT). Colin jumped on the bandwagon a few months ago. 

Veronica usually has five kids — a mix of girls and boys. They are apparently gifted dancers, because they spend, on average, three days a week at dance school. They sometimes get in trouble, and while they seem very independent overall, Veronica occasionally has to run out of the room to comfort one of them. Her kids also are at their Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house a lot. 

Colin also has multiple kids, both girls and boys, but it’s harder to pin down the exact number. They have a penguin mommy and a monkey daddy. I can’t get a straight answer from him as to whether that means he’s a monkey, or they have another daddy. Either way, I spent quite a while trying to envision what these kids look like. 

“So Colin, do they have feathers like the penguin or fur like a monkey?” “Feathers.” 

“Do they waddle like penguins, or have tails like a monkey?” “They have tails and like to swing on things.”

Cars and Playdough
At home, both kiddos love playing cars and playdough. They both prefer to do these activities together. Unfortunately, they seem to have the desire to play at different times. Yesterday, Colin was begging Veronica to play cars with him in the morning, but she wasn’t interested. After dinner, Veronica was trying to get Colin to go upstairs and play cars, but he wanted to read stories. 

They both enjoy the playdough, but have vastly different styles of creation. (Unfortunately, both styles involve a lot of mess, so we don’t do the playdough every day.) I had made them several different colors of dough, which was a mistake in retrospect. Today they have a large mass of black dough. Next time I think I’ll stick to just one color. 

The Y
We recently rejoined the Y, in part to get the members discount for the twins’ Kiddie Kollege tuition. We had been members for years, but finally quit when Ethan was two because every time we tried to take him there to play in the kids area while we worked out, he would end up screaming and we would have to go back home. 

It has been a totally different experience with the twins. They got to go into the kids room for a few minutes when we signed up. (I asked because I wanted them to see what it was like to make dropping them off a little easier.) Since then, they have asked several times to go back. So John finally made it over for a workout yesterday, and practically had to pull them out physically when it was time to go home. And they’ve been begging to go back ever since. I’m planning to go work out today, so they’ll get another chance to play right off the bat. 

Maybe John and I will be able to get back into an exercise routine after all. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. 

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