Yesterday morning I got to hold Veronica for the first time. I wasn’t able to do the kangaroo care with her (where she is snuggled against my chest in just her diaper for an hour), but the nurse was able to wrap up her cords securely and snuggle her in lots of blankets in my arms for about 20 minutes. It was beautiful to see her sleeping there, and I was so happy to have the chance to finally hold her.
John was, of course, jealous. But when he went back to the hospital last night for his long visit, he was able to hold Veronica for 40 minutes — so it was my turn to be jealous. Not seriously jealous, though. I’m glad he was able to hold her too, and I am sure before long we will both have many opportunities to hold her, so it will all balance out.
I also got to change Colin’s diaper yesterday too. His diapers are even tinier than Veronica’s, but I was ready for the cords this time so it was easier. Colin doesn’t like to be disturbed and tends to throw quite a fit for such a little guy. I do have somewhat of a size advantage on him at this stage, though.
Both babies were started on breast milk yesterday too (through their IV lines). Veronica got 3 ml and Colin got 1. Veronica did quite well with hers, but Colin seemed to have problems digesting it (because his system is so underdeveloped). Because of his problems, they’ve stopped feeding him temporarily and will try introducing the milk again soon.
Colin is still on his ventilator (and likely will be for some time). They’ve been able to drop his oxygen levels a bit, but he still needs far more oxygen than he would be able to get breathing on his own. We’ll have to continue being patient and celebrating the little things for Colin — his battle will be up hill for quite a while still.
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