Sunday, November 14, 2010

The bucket post

Okay, I haven’t been the best at keeping this up-to-date recently. Balancing work, two babies, a first grader and keeping the house moving (even with the full-time help of a wonderful husband) doesn’t leave much time or energy for anything else. 

Colin and Veronica continue to grow — one rather slowly (Colin is up to 6 pounds 1 ounce, which is only 4 ounces more than his discharge weight) and the other so fast it’s hard to keep up with (Veronica is up to 11 pounds already). They also continue to develop and learn new “tricks” every week.

Colin celebrated Veteran’s Day by rolling over — twice — from his tummy to his back. He really hates being on his stomach because he can’t see what’s going on. Even when I carry him or put him in the Moby wrap, he manages to squirm around until he is face up and out so he can see what’s going on. Veronica is incredibly strong and does very well “sitting” up (while supported). Her trunk and head control are very good.

Veronica is finally starting to sleep for longer stretches at night. Last night she went from 9:00 until 2:30 without waking up. Colin wakes up more often, but I expect that because he is so much smaller. Unfortunately, this week at least, he hasn’t been doing a good job with his nursing (we think) and is not eating enough to keep him satisfied for long. If we don’t give him a bottle, he wants to eat every two hours. 

Both babies are turning into quite the vocalists — they are both making an amazing array of sounds and coos and babbles. They both also are on the verge of having real laughs — which is quite fun to see. Although they do have their fussy moments (all day on Monday last week), they don’t seem to be fussier than “normal” babies — something I understand is often true of preemies.

Unfortunately, they haven’t yet settled into any type of a regular schedule, which make it challenging to plan anything during the day. Yesterday John and I had planned to take the babies to the store (to get them used to being in the car) mid-morning, but they both fell asleep immediately after eating (which came immediately after their last nap) and we didn’t make it out the door until after noon. 

Overall, it is still crazy at our house. Trying to adjust to my work schedule and still eating together and getting everyone to bed on time is a work in progress. But we’re starting to make a tiny bit of progress, so there’s hope …

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