Monday, July 2, 2012

Two turn two at (almost) 2:00 on July 2

This afternoon, at nearly 2:00 (1:51), Colin and Veronica turned two. Looking back on those early days, when we weren’t sure they would make it, let alone what kind of quality of life they would have, it’s hard to imagine that we’ve come so far. 

But here we are … our twins are happy (most of the time), healthy (more or less, although they both have colds right now), rambunctious (always) two-year-olds who enjoy exploring the world and having lots of fun. 

Unlike last year, when Colin couldn’t even sit unsupported yet, the two of them spent their birthday weekend running around, chasing bubbles, playing the sprinkler and generally basking in the love of their extended family. They enjoyed their cake (or at least the frosting), loved opening and playing with their presents, and refused to sleep well at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

Veronica is now not only speaking in longer sentences, but has figured out that she can ask for what she wants. “Mommy, music in van. Kids music.” “Eat yogurt lunch. Eat ham.” “Mommy, sit in chair. Eat breakfast. Sit!”

I think Colin is on the verge of a language breakthrough as well. He has started occasionally putting two words together, and is getting a little easier to understand. But the real reason I think he is about to make a leap forward is that the past couple of days, every time he wakes up, I hear him laying in the crib running through his entire list of words. Veronica “practiced” like that before she started talking up a storm too. 

They also are full-on into the tantrums of two. Veronica has long been the queen of tantrums, but Colin has now gotten into the act as well. •sigh• I hope this stage passes relatively quickly.

Tomorrow we go for their big two-year-old check up, so I’ll be able to update their height and weight. And I’ll add some pictures from the party as well. 

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