Thursday, February 7, 2013

Nervous tic

It’s been a very busy week here in Fiegel-land. Work has been crazy busy for me for the past couple of weeks (or longer, I can’t remember because it all blurs together), which doesn’t leave a lot of time or energy for home. 

We’ve had to restart the clock on the dairy-free month three times now because we keep discovering milk in places we didn’t expect it. I think, after a massive trip to Whole Foods on Tuesday, that we’ve got our dairy-free supplies down now and can continue past Day 2. But really, how could I forget that the milk chocolate in M&Ms is made with, well, milk? (We’ve now switched to using Skittles for potty-training rewards.)

So far, it doesn’t really seem to be making a difference. Colin still has episodes of pain and constipation, and was up most of the night on Tuesday because of gas pain. But then again, we haven’t been completely dairy free yet for more than a couple of days so who knows. 

Colin was at the ophthalmologist this afternoon to get his eyes checked out again. He’s been blinking a lot, like Ethan used to do before his allergies were diagnosed, but Colin didn’t test positive for any allergies. So his doctor wanted to make sure he didn’t have an underlying eye problem. So after getting his eyes dilated so the doctor could “take a look inside,” we learned that it’s just a benign nervous tick that probably is nothing. 

So we’re not supposed to acknowledge that he’s doing it or talk about it in front of him (the doctor even had an assistant take Colin out of the room before telling John his diagnosis), and it should go away in the next year. 

On top of all that, we’ve started to get more serious about potty training, including setting up a reward system (with the aforementioned Skittles) to encourage potty use. We did this after Veronica was getting very interested and had stayed completely dry one day and nearly so for two others. 

Unfortunately, this has backfired, and she now is having a wet diaper nearly every time we ask if she wants to use the potty. Colin is doing better with it though. 

I took three days off later this month, and was thinking about using those five days in a row at home to really make the “let’s get out of diapers” push. But now I’m second guessing that decision. We’ll see what happens next week. 

And that’s the latest fun from us. 

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