Monday, April 11, 2011

Colin's ah-ha moment

While Veronica has been eating like a champ for weeks now, Colin has been a little slow in coming to the table. This is due in part because he’s still not sitting (which makes it harder to swallow). He also still has a strong tongue-thrust reflex, which means he pushes as much back out as he gets into his mouth.

We had stopped solids for Coin for a couple of weeks because he didn’t enjoy the experience (and was having problems with constipation), but started again with prunes (because of said constipation). 

Well, last night Colin appeared to have his “ah ha” moment with eating, just like Veronica did earlier. We had discovered earlier that Colin really likes the Earth’s Best Chicken and Sweet Potato Dinner (no, I don’t really do a good job following the “traditional” path for introducing solids), so John has been giving him that with the prunes. He has been eating some — we’re talking maybe a teaspoon — of each before he started to get fussy.

Last night, Colin was doing really well with the food, and John kept having to refill his little dish. But the real sign that Colin was really into eating came when John paused for a minute to say something to Veronica. Colin grabbed John’s hand with the spoon and shoved it into his mouth looking for more.

Now we’re hoping that as Colin’s solid food volume grows, his need to eat all night long will decrease, and maybe John will be able to get some sleep again. (Okay, so it hasn’t really happened that way with Veronica, but we can dream can’t we?)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all the updates! I know that is even more time out of your busy (long) day but it is great to hear the great strides they are making!!
