Friday, April 1, 2011

Right on track

Colin and Veronica had their three-month follow-up from Early Intervention on Wednesday. (Three months from the last assessment, that is.) I was at work, so I couldn’t be there first-hand, but John called and gave me a report after the team (occupational, physical, speech and developmental therapists) was done.

As we have noticed, the twins are doing really well, and have made great strides with their therapy. Both babies are between 6 months (their adjusted age) and 9 months (their actual age) in everything. Colin is ahead of Veronica in some areas, and she is ahead of him in others — just like with normal kids. 

Neither baby has any areas of specific concern. They will continue to both receive occupational therapy, and Colin’s physical therapy will continue as well. They are on target with their speech development, and are not showing any overall developmental delays.

Colin’s progress in therapy is amazing. Every week he rockets forward. He is now sitting upright (supported) for long periods of time as opposed to immediately trying to flip back to a lying down position. On his tummy, he is now able to lift his entire upper body off the floor, and rolls both ways with very little resistance. 

He is having problems with constipation, and his physical therapist thinks that may be contributing to some of his remaining resistance to sitting. So we’re working on adjusting his diet to see if we can’t eliminate that problem for him.

Veronica can sit by herself for hours on end, and is moving closer to crawling. She discovered gravity yesterday, and spent a good half an hour holding rings from the stacker toy watching them tumble from her hand to the floor. Her ability to reach for things far away or behind her is also improving daily. (That’s apparently a precursor to crawling — it helps her get into the right position to get on her hands and knees.)

Both babies have colds right now, so our sleep habits are completely shot. But we’re hoping to be past the worst of the colds this weekend (so Mommy and Daddy can catch up on our sleep). And then, I hope, we’ll all stay healthy for a nice, long stretch.

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